Library Course Reading Lists
Reading list 'Relativity'
A first course in general relativity - Schutz, Bernard F.
A first course in general relativity - Schutz, Bernard F.
A first course in general relativity - Schutz, Bernard F.,
General relativity - Wald, Robert M.
General relativity : an introduction for physicists - Hobson, M. P.
Gravitation - Misner, Charles W.
Gravitation and cosmology: principles and applications of the general theory of relativity. - Weinberg, Steven.
Gravitation and spacetime - Ohanian, Hans C.
Gravitation and spacetime - Ohanian, Hans C.,
The large scale structure of space-time - Hawking, Stephen,
The large scale structure of space-time - Hawking, Stephen,
The large scale structure of space-time - Hawking, Stephen,