Library Course Reading Lists
Reading list 'The Art and Archaeology of Ancient Greece'
1177 B.C. : the year civilization collapsed - Cline, Eric H.
Ancient Etruscan and Greek vases in the Elvehjem Museum of Art - Elvehjem Museum of Art.
Ancient Greek architects at work : problems of structure and design - Coulton, J. J.
Ancient coins at the Elvehjem Museum of Art - Elvehjem Museum of Art.
Archaeological theory today -
Archaeology : theories, methods and practice - Renfrew, Colin,
Greek art and archaeology - Pedley, John Griffiths.
Greek art and archaeology - Pedley, John Griffiths.
Loot, legitimacy, and ownership : the ethical crisis in archaeology - Renfrew, Colin,
The Cambridge companion to the Aegean Bronze Age -
The Getty Kouros Colloquium : Athens, 25-27 May 1992 - Getty Kouros Colloquium
The Greeks overseas : their early colonies and trade - Boardman, John,
The Parthenon : from antiquity to the present -
The Parthenon frieze - Jenkins, Ian.
The art of ancient Greece : sources and documents - Pollitt, J. J.
The emergence of civilisation: the Cyclades and the Aegean in the third millennium B.C. - Renfrew, Colin,
The fire of Hephaistos : large classical bronzes from North American collections - Mattusch, Carol C.
The first Western Greeks - Ridgway, David.
Troy and Homer : towards a solution of an old mystery - Latacz, Joachim.
Vergina : The royal tombs and the ancient city - Andronikos, Manolè„s,
Women in the ancient world - Neils, Jenifer,